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10 Trends and Technologies to Take Advantage of in 2024

· 6 min read
Career Credentials
Where Education meets Ambition


Congratulations on surviving another year in the fast-paced world of technology! As we look ahead to 2024, it's clear that we're in for an exciting and transformative year. In this blog, we'll explore ten trends and technologies that you can leverage to your advantage. From the job market to cryptocurrency, hardware advancements to AI, there's plenty to look forward to in the coming year. So, let's dive in!

The Job Market: A Mixed Bag

2023 was a challenging year for the job market, with massive layoffs from tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. This flood of talent, coupled with a decline in job openings, made it tough for junior developers to break into the industry. However, there's some hope on the horizon. Job openings are up by 13.8% from earlier this year, and major companies have unfrozen their hiring freezes. While it's not the same as before, we can cautiously anticipate an improving job market in 2024.

However, the state of the world and high interest rates can impact this scenario. Cash-burning startups may struggle in a high-interest rate environment, affecting their ability to hire and grow. Economic factors, such as a standstill in the real estate market, can also have ripple effects. It's essential to keep an eye on these factors as they could impact tech jobs in the future.

The Resurgence of Cryptocurrency

Crypto enthusiasts have plenty to be excited about in 2024. Bitcoin, after experiencing some volatility, has climbed to new heights, with predictions of it reaching one million dollars per token. The crypto world is buzzing, and if Bitcoin reaches the crucial price point of $69,000, we can expect a flood of memes and heightened excitement around cryptocurrencies. It's an exciting time for crypto investors!

The Rise of Augmented and Virtual Reality

One technology that may gain significant traction in 2024 is augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). Apple is set to release its Apple Vision Pro, a VR headset that could revolutionize the industry. While some Apple enthusiasts are eager to embrace this new technology, it may not appeal to the average consumer due to its high price point. AR/VR is likely to remain a niche product, captivating a specific audience but not becoming mainstream.

Hardware Advancements: The Era of ARM-Based Chips

2024 will see major players like Microsoft and AWS venturing into producing their own chips. Microsoft announced its Maya chip for AI, while AWS introduced the Cobalt CPU, an ARM-based processor. This shift from x86 architecture to ARM-based chips could have significant implications for the future of PCs and laptops running Windows. Intel, too, plans to start manufacturing ARM chips. As hardware evolves, the gaming community eagerly awaits the highly anticipated release of GTA 6, built on Rockstar's proprietary rage game engine.

The Battle of Frameworks in Web Development

Web development continues to thrive, and in 2024, we may see a shift in focus. Rather than building new JavaScript frameworks, developers will concentrate on enhancing existing frameworks. The competition will revolve around who can create the best tools for popular frameworks like React. Visual editors and IDEs are gaining popularity, offering developers the ability to drag and drop components instead of coding them manually. Additionally, AI-powered tools like Visual Co-Pilot can generate code based on designs, streamlining the development process.

The Changing Landscape of Mobile Development

The mobile app market is evolving, with a significant shift away from traditional app downloads. In 2024, developing cross-platform apps will become more accessible, thanks to low-code tools that can build for both iOS and Android. The challenge lies in capturing users' attention in a saturated market dominated by established apps like Twitter and Discord. However, opportunities still exist for innovative mobile app developers.

Exploring Low-Level Systems Languages

Low-level systems languages such as Rust, Zig, and Mojo are gaining traction in 2024. Rust, in particular, has seen remarkable growth and has even made its way into the Linux kernel. These languages offer developers a balance between approachability and high performance, making them ideal for AI, machine learning, and low-level memory management. As the tech landscape continues to evolve, keeping an eye on these emerging languages can open up new opportunities.

The Power of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various industries. From search engines to office applications, AI is becoming ingrained in our everyday lives. The integration of AI has revolutionized stock trading, cyber defense, and even military operations. Generative image AI has seen tremendous advancements, paving the way for stunning visual content. The future holds exciting possibilities for AI, including text-to-video models and the potential for artificial general intelligence (AGI).

The Quest for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

AGI, the holy grail of AI, is the pinnacle of machine intelligence. While it remains a topic of debate and speculation, the development of AGI could have far-reaching consequences. Some experts believe that AGI has already been achieved, while others argue that it's decades away or may never be achieved at all. Regardless, the progress in AI is undeniable, and as we move closer to AGI, it's crucial to navigate the ethical and moral implications that come with such advanced technology.


As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome the opportunities that 2024 brings, it's essential to stay informed and adaptable in the ever-changing world of technology. Whether you're eyeing job market trends, crypto investments, hardware advancements, or the rise of AI, there's no shortage of exciting developments to explore in the coming year. Embrace change, stay curious, and get ready for an incredible journey in the world of tech!

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