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What is Data scientist ? What do they do ?

· 6 min read
Career Credentials
Where Education meets Ambition

In today's ever-changing world of industries, a new hero has emerged: the data scientist. But who exactly is this mysterious figure, and what makes them so important for businesses today? Let's dive in and uncover the core of data science and why data scientists are crucial for our data-focused world.

The Rise of the Data Scientist

Data scientists are like the hidden heroes of our digital age. They bring together skills from math, science, stats, and programming to help make important decisions. Their main job is to gather, study, and explain large amounts of data to help companies know what to do.

The idea of a data scientist started around 2008, when Facebook and LinkedIn first used this job title. Soon after, a Harvard Business Review article called it "the sexiest job of the 21st century." Since then, the demand for data scientists has only grown. Companies are eager for these experts who can work magic with machine learning and predicting the future.

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The Art and Science of Data Science

At the heart of data science are fascinating stories waiting to be discovered within huge piles of data. Imagine a data scientist diving into things like customer behavior, market trends, financial risks, cybersecurity, and even medical info. They use special tools to find patterns and trends that aren't obvious to others.

In businesses, data scientists are like detectives, digging through data to predict what customers might do next, find new ways to make money, catch fraud, and help in many other ways. But their work isn't limited to companies; they also help healthcare providers, schools, governments, and sports teams.

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The Profile of a Data Scientist

What makes a data scientist special? It's not just about being good with computers; it's also about being curious, solving problems, and working well with others. They use tools like Python, R, Scala, and SQL to analyze data and create reports.

To become a data scientist, many start with a technical degree like in computer science or math. But learning never stops! There are lots of courses online to help anyone become a data expert.

Data scientists are well-paid because they're in high demand. On average, they earn a lot more than other jobs, which shows how important their work is.

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Data Scientist vs. Data Analyst: What's the Difference?

Sometimes people mix up data scientists and data analysts. While they both work with data, data scientists need more advanced skills. Data analysts help with things like organizing data and making visual reports.

Data scientists take on bigger challenges, from predicting the future with models to using machine learning. Data analysts focus more on making data easy to understand, usually under the guidance of data scientists. Data scientists also earn much higher salaries.

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Citizen Data Scientists: The Helpers in Analytics

In the world of data, there's another group called "citizen data scientists." These are regular people at work who use data tools. They might not have formal training, but they're great at using tools to understand data better.

While they might not be coding experts, citizen data scientists are valuable in helping companies use data to make better decisions. From business pros to data-savvy employees, they bridge the gap between raw data and useful insights, often without the big salaries of data scientists.

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The Journey of Data Science: Piecing Insights Together

Data science isn't just about numbers and computer tricks; it's like weaving a story from different parts of data. Each piece of the puzzle, from preparing data to predicting trends, helps businesses make smarter decisions. Data scientists are like architects, building insights from data threads.

But in this magical world of data, there are challenges too. Data scientists struggle with things like getting the right data and making sure it's accurate. The saying "garbage in, garbage out" reminds us of how important it is to clean and organize data correctly.

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Conclusion: Embracing the Data Journey

In this era of data, data scientists are like guides, leading the way to better decisions. With their skills and passion, they dive into oceans of data to find insights that drive businesses forward. From predicting what customers might want to stopping fraud, their work has a big impact.

So, as we step into this data-driven world, let's embrace this new power. Whether you're a seasoned data scientist, an aspiring analyst, or just someone curious about data, there's a world of opportunities ahead. With every query, model, and graph, we move closer to a future shaped by the magic of data science.

Let the data adventure begin.

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What is the digital immune system and why is it important

· 6 min read
Career Credentials
Where Education meets Ambition

What is the digital immune system and why is it important?

Regardless of Investing precious time and money in the development of cybersecurity, threats related to security breaches and data leaks has only intensified for companies. There are always new ways that Cyber criminals use bypass security methods. According to the Check Point 2023 Security Report, cyberattacks increased by 38% in 2022 compared to the previous year, with an average of 1,168 weekly attacks against organizations. And cybercriminals aren’t just targeting corporations, but also financial institutions, healthcare providers, and government agencies.

Companies has to face enormous amounts of cost for finding new and advanced cybersecurity solutions and insurance along with business disruptions, Revenue impact and reputational damage caused by cyber-attacks. This builds huge pressure on IT leaders to build and improve security and data protection using minimum resources. What solutions can IT leaders bring to mitigate the security threats? According to Gartner, the answer to mitigating the impact of cyber threats is “digital immunity.” In this article, we'll discuss Gartner's concept of digital immunity and explore why it's important for software developers.

What exactly is digital immune system?

To understand digital immunity, you first need to understand what a digital immune system is. According to Gartner, "A Digital Immune System (DIS) is a set of technologies and processes that help an organization protect its information and systems from continual attack and exploit." A digital immune system combines a range of practices and technologies from software design, development, automation, operations and analytics to create superior user experience (UX) and reduce system failures that impact business performance. A DIS protects applications and services to make them more resilient so that they recover quickly from failures. During a recent Gartner survey about overcoming the barriers to digital execution, nearly half of respondents (48%) stated that the primary objective of their digital investments is to improve the customer experience (CX). DIS will be critical to ensuring that CX isn’t compromised by defects, system failures or anomalies, such as software bugs or security issues.

Gartner expects that by 2025, organizations that invest in building digital immunity will increase customer satisfaction by decreasing downtime by 80%.

Prerequisites to building strong DIS

When building digital immunity, start with a strong vision statement that helps to align the organization and smooth implementation. Then take account of the following six practices and technologies:

1. Observability:

Observability enables software to be ‘seen’. It allows software to be tracked, monitored, and accessed to detect and resolve issues with resilience and reliability. This helps in enhancing user experience and also to analyze how users interact with the system.

2. Autonomous testing:

AI-based testing and automation allow organizations to conduct software testing independent of human intervention. It comprises fully automated test planning, creation, maintenance, analysis, and execution of test cases.

Integrating Ai technologies with testing complements traditional automated testing processes and extends conventional test automation.

3. Chaos engineering:

Chaos engineering is a practice that uses experimental testing to expose potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in a system. Various failure tests and chaos experiments are performed on a system to disrupt it and find faults and points of failure.

4. Auto Remediation:

Auto-remediation is a discipline that enables software applications to self-monitor and self-heal. It involves automatically detecting and remediating issues, then returning to the normal state without any human assistance.

5. Application Security:

When operating in a distributed architecture, there’s a high probability of exposing vulnerabilities and threats in the software supply chain. These risks can be mitigated by applying security measures over the software supply chain.

6. Site reliability Engineering:

Site reliability engineering (SRE) is a discipline of engineering practices and principles that leverages service-level objectives as a guide to improve service management. It focuses on creating an engaging UX and retention. This guiding principle helps businesses achieve stability, optimal balance of speed, and a reduced technical debt to allow developers to focus more on building a compelling UX.

Why is DIS essential for software development?

  Slow or poorly developed system will result in compromising user experience(UX) which will in turn lead to customer dissatisfaction  and, in many cases, leading to customers abandoning the system.  A DIS will try to eliminate or at least minimize the frequency of system failures and slowness, which contributes to better overall UX and customer satisfaction, the cornerstones of superior business performance.

We will discuss few a DIS can help achieve these objectives:

  • Implementation of DIS is done to minimize the threats to  a business posed when applications are severely compromised. DIS helps in building applications resilience. This helps in minimizing failures , making is less likely for the business to face losses.
  • DIS improves the quality of a software by making it more secure, resilient, and reliable, so that it can rapidly recover from failures. It addresses threats and vulnerabilities across the entire software development life cycle.
  • DIS provides engineering teams with the necessary insight for addressing threats and vulnerabilities in the form of functional bugs, ransomware attacks, security vulnerabilities, and data inconsistencies. It is done to minimize the likelihood of system failure and reduce any negative impact on business operations.
  • DIS brings artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies into the software development life cycle to automate the process of detecting and monitoring security threats. It leverages various technologies and practices, like DevOps, agile methodologies, continuous integration, and delivery.


The importance of a digital immune system lies in the ever-evolving threat landscape of the digital world. Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and new threats emerge regularly. A robust digital immune system helps organizations and individuals safeguard their digital assets, maintain data integrity and confidentiality, and ensure the continuity of their operations. It is a proactive approach to cybersecurity that involves constant monitoring, adaptation, and improvement to stay ahead of emerging threats.

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