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What is Internet of Things (IoT) and How it Works?

· 4 min read
Career Credentials
Where Education meets Ambition

In today's world, there's something called the Internet of Things (IoT) that's changing how we do things. It's like a big network where devices can talk to each other without needing people to get involved too much. We'll explore what IoT is, how it works, and why it's important.

What's IoT All About?

What is Internet of Things (IoT)?

IoT is when everyday things, like your phone or a washing machine, can connect to the internet and share information with each other. It's like they're part of a big team, working together without us having to tell them what to do all the time.

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Why Should We Care? Let's Look at Some Numbers:

Here are some interesting facts about IoT:

  • By 2022, everyone might have access to a special kind of internet coverage.
  • In a few years, there could be over 75 billion IoT devices worldwide.
  • Many companies are investing in IoT because it can save them money.
  • The market for IoT data is growing fast and could be worth a lot of money soon.
  • Almost all businesses will probably use IoT by next year because they think it's important for their success.

How Does IoT Actually Work?

How Does IoT Work?

  1. Devices Talk: First, devices with special sensors collect information from the world around them.
  2. Data Travels: This information is sent over the internet to a central place, kind of like a cloud.
  3. Thinking Time: The data is then analyzed to figure out what actions need to be taken.
  4. Taking Action: Based on what's found, devices can do things like adjust the temperature or detect problems.
  5. User Alerts: Finally, users are told about what's happening through messages or alerts on their phones.

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Breaking It Down: What's Inside IoT?

Major Parts of IoT:

  1. Sensors/Devices: These are the gadgets that gather information, like your phone's camera or a thermometer.
  2. Connections: Different ways, like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, are used to send data between devices.
  3. Data Crunching: The information collected is analyzed to make sense of it all.
  4. User Interaction: You get to see what's going on and maybe even control things using apps on your phone.

Real-Life Examples: How Does IoT Help?

What Does IoT Mean for Businesses?

  1. Healthcare: Doctors can keep track of patients' health in real-time and make better decisions.
  2. Education: Learning can become easier and more accessible for everyone.
  3. Retail: Stores can give you personalized experiences and make shopping faster.
  4. Sharing Economy: Services like Uber can work better and keep your data safe.
  5. Real Estate: Buildings can become smarter and more energy-efficient.
  6. Travel: Hotels can give you better experiences and keep you safe during your stay.

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