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What Is DevOps and How Does It Work?

· 5 min read
Career Credentials
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The Beginning: Understanding DevOps

DevOps is a mix of teamwork and a smart way to do things in IT. It was created in 2009 by smart people like Patrick Debois. It's about working together fast and smart to make computer stuff better.

What DevOps Really Is

Think of DevOps like a team sport for making computer stuff. Gartner says it's about a big change in how we work together to make computer things quickly and well. It's not just about tools; it's more about people working together in a special way.

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How DevOps Started

DevOps isn't something new; it comes from other smart ideas like managing computer systems well and working together in a fast way to make software. It takes the best parts of these ideas and mixes them up to create DevOps.

Why We Need DevOps

Before DevOps, teams working on computer stuff often had problems. Developers wanted to make new things fast, but operations teams needed to make sure everything stayed stable. DevOps helps solve these problems by getting everyone to work together in a smart way.

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What's the Deal with DevOps, Agile, and SRE?

DevOps, Agile, and SRE (System Reliability Engineering) are all ways to work better in IT. Agile is about quick work cycles, DevOps is about teamwork, and SRE is about keeping systems running smoothly. They all work together like different instruments in a band.

How Does DevOps Work?

DevOps is like a dance of teamwork, automation, and making things better. Here's how it works:

1. Collaboration

DevOps teams work together smoothly. No more blaming each other; everyone helps to make things run well.

2. Automation

In DevOps, we use tools to do things automatically. This saves time and helps us do more important work.

3. Continuous Integration

This means developers keep adding their new code to a shared main code. It helps to catch problems early.

4. Continuous Testing

In DevOps, we test our software all the time. This way, we catch mistakes early and make sure everything works well.

5. Continuous Delivery

When our software is ready, we can deliver it to users quickly and easily. This makes everyone happy!

6. Continuous Monitoring

We keep an eye on our software even after it's out there. If something goes wrong, we know right away and can fix it fast.

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Who's Using DevOps?

Lots of companies, big and small, are using DevOps to make their computer stuff better. It's not just for tech companies; even old-school industries are joining the DevOps club. Everyone wants to work smarter and faster.

Why People Love DevOps

DevOps makes everyone in IT happy. Developers can set up their work stuff easily, operations teams get more stability, and testers can find problems quickly. Executives like it because it helps the business grow faster.

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The Benefits of DevOps

DevOps brings some cool benefits, like faster software releases and fewer mistakes. A big report says companies doing DevOps well release software way faster and fix problems quickly.

The Final Chapter: Starting Your DevOps Journey

So, that's DevOps in a nutshell! It's not just a thing you do once; it's a way of working that keeps getting better. Tools like New Relic's platform can help you on this journey, giving you a clear view of what's happening in your IT world.

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